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Month: July 2021

‘Murica Day

‘Murica Day

Happy 4th of July to my fellow Americans! It’s the day where we eat so many hot dogs, hamburgers, and other foods that the entire country as a whole probably gains at least a pound. Fireworks go off, making falling asleep virtually impossible, and at least on person seriously injures themself being careless while setting off what is basically just gunpowder and metal salts in a package. Honestly, in my opinion, it’s kind of a mess. You stay up late,…

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I realize I’ve been neglecting the idea of posting on my website for quite some time so here, have  ✨ c o n t e n t ✨ so you don’t get bored.  I made this based on a prompt a lovely online pal of mine gave me. It’s some sort of weird forest creature making a sandwich out of forest materials and some bread that it probably stole from a campsite.  I know that this is a pretty short post, but…

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