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From The Mouth Of An Injured Head – a reflection on recovering from abuse

From The Mouth Of An Injured Head – a reflection on recovering from abuse

Some wounds, like mine, run much, much deeper than sometimes one might expect. My injured head does not bleed, but it struggles now to rebuild its world after unwittingly watching it burn for so long. Nobody knows quite when the fire started, but now that it’s finished in a searing blaze of glory, regrowing the scorched trees seems nigh impossible. Such is the nature of waking up from the remnants of an abusive relationship. The aching dawn opens my eyes…

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OTW Book 1 – Chapter 5

OTW Book 1 – Chapter 5

“So, what’s the plan for dinner?” Avery blazed the trail ahead of Ryder, already on the next subject. It was hard for the shorter of the pair to keep up this time around, their body weighed down by countless questions. Truth be told, they had no dinner plan. How could they when there were arguably more important questions at hand? “Ryder? Earth to Ryder!” Ryder walked directly into their sibling’s chest. Avery stood in front of them like a wall,…

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EATW Chapter 1 – Run Boy, Run

EATW Chapter 1 – Run Boy, Run

CONTENT WARNING: Implied/referenced suicide, drowning

 Ellen wouldn’t have wanted this for Esko. She would’ve sobbed openly and kicked and screamed and punched every officer as Esko was lead to the city gates. She would’ve broken free and ran out there alongside him, promising that if he was going to die in the wilderness, she’d be there with them. Ellen would’ve never left his side.

OTW Book 1 – Chapter 4

OTW Book 1 – Chapter 4

Just as one set of questions was answered, a whole new set unfurled like ferns in spring. Ryder heaved a sigh and shook their head in the rapidly dimming light, watching as the last of the sun seemed to follow the girl like a loyal pet.

Constellations Over Us – Book 1 – Chapter 2

Constellations Over Us – Book 1 – Chapter 2

“Reese…” the red-clad fae whispered the name over and over again, as though familiarizing himself with its very feel and taste. “Reese, Reese, Reese… It’s a good name. Strong.” “It’s Welsh. My mom always said it meant ‘fire’ and ‘enthusiasm’.” Reese watched Glais crack another smile. Despite the eeriness of his needle-sharp teeth and blood-red eyes, he had a charming air about him, especially whenever he grinned. He dressed in a vest and a white shirt with billowing sleeves, like…

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